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PeopleFinder Quickstart


In this quickstart you'll deploy and explore a live demo application called PeopleFinder. This application is a corporate directory and allows users to browse all users, view detail, and edit their own information. It also gives additional permissions to managers and admins. PeopleFinder uses Aserto for managing authorization within the application.

As you go through this quickstart, you'll learn the following:

  • How to deploy the PeopleFinder app to Netlify.
  • How to use the app and its different users, roles, and permissions.
  • How to view PeopleFinder's default RBAC policy in the Aserto Console and use the Aserto Policy Evaluator.
  • How to view the Aserto Directory.
  • How to dynamically introduce new security requirements in the app through rebinding to a ReBAC policy.

At the end of the Quickstart, you'll have the following:

  • A peoplefinder-instance policy deployed in your account and running on the Aserto hosted authorizer.
  • An instance of the Demo "Acmecorp" IDP connected to your account.
  • A live version of the PeopleFinder application deployed via Netlify and which is bound to your peoplefinder-instance.


To follow this Quickstart you'll need to have an Aserto account. If you do not have one, you can create one here. Once you have created your tenant, you can continue.