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Built-in Functions

Aserto provides a set of built-in functions that can be used in your policy. These functions make it easier to leverage information found the Aserto directory.


"id": "<value>"

Looks up a user identity by one of the ids (e.g. email address or PID), and returns the identifier of the user object associated to the identity instance.

For example: ds.identity({ "id": "" }) will return dfdadc39-7335-404d-af66-c77cf13a15f8.


"object_type": "<object type>",
"object_id": "<object identifier>",
"with_relation": <boolean>

Returns an object instance looked up by the combination of <type> and <id>.

For example: ds.object({ "type": "identity", "id": "" }) will return the identity object associated with Euan.

If with_relation is included and set to true, the response includes all the relation instances.


"object_type": "<object type>",
"object_id": "<object identifier>",
"relation": "<relation name>",
"subject_type": "<subject type>",
"subject_id": "<subject identifier>",
"subject_relation": "subject relation name>",
"with_objects": <boolean>

Returns the relation instance that connects the subject with the object through the relation identified by <object type> and <relation name>. If with_objects is included and set to true, the response includes all the subject and object instances.


"object_type": "<object type>",
"object_id": "<object identifier>",
"relation": "<relation or permission name>",
"subject_type": "<subject type>",
"subject_id": "<subject identifier>"

An object is identified by the combination of its <object type> and <object identifier>. The same is true for a subject.

A relation type is uniquely identified by the object type name and the relation name. A relation instance of that type will relate an object instance to a subject instance.

ds.check returns true if the object instance has a relation or permission of the type specified to the subject instance.


"object_type": "<object type>",
"object_id": "<object identifier>",
"relation": "<relation name>",
"subject_type": "<subject type>",
"subject_id": "<subject identifier>"

An object is identified by the combination of its <object type> and <object identifier>. The same is true for a subject.

A relation type is uniquely identified by the object type name and the relation name. A relation instance of that type will relate an object instance to a subject instance.

ds.check_relation returns true if the object instance has a relation of the type specified to the subject instance.


"object_type": "<object type>",
"object_id": "<object identifier>",
"permission": "<permission name>",
"subject_type": "<subject type>",
"subject_id": "<subject identifier>"

An object is identified by the combination of its <object type> and <object identifier>. The same is true for a subject.

ds.check_permission returnstrue if the subject has the permission <permission name> referenced through one or more relations to the object.


"object_type": "<object type>",
"object_id": "<object identifier>",
"relation": "<relation name>",
"subject_type": "<subject type>",
"subject_id": "<subject identifier>",
"subject_relation": "<subject relation>",
"explain": <boolean>

Searches the graph to find all subjects of a given type with a specified relation to a given subject or vice versa, all objects of a given type that a specified subject has a given relation to.

The object_type, subject_type, and relation values are required in addition to one of the object_id or subject_id values.

If object_id is provided, the results include all subjects of the specified subject_type that have the relation to the object. If subject_id is provided, the results include all objects of the specified type with which the subject has the given relation.

If explain is set to true the output also includes all the graph paths that connect the given object or subject with the returned results.