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Ruby Rack Middleware

Aserto::Authorization is a middleware that allows Ruby applications to use Aserto as the Authorization provider.


Add to your application Gemfile:

gem "aserto"

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install aserto


The following configuration settings are required for the authorization middleware:

  • policy_id
  • tenant_id
  • authorizer_api_key
  • policy_root

These settings can be retrieved from the Policy Settings page of your Aserto account.

The middleware accepts the following optional parameters:

Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
enabledtrueEnables or disables Aserto Authorization
service_url""Sets the URL for the authorizer endpoint.
decision"allowed"The decision that will be used by the middleware when creating an authorizer request.
loggerSTDOUTThe logger to be used by the middleware.
identity_mapping{ type: :none }The strategy for retrieveing the identity, possible values: :jwt, :sub, :none
disabled_for[{}]Which path and actions to skip the authorization for.
on_unauthorized-> { return [403, {}, ["Forbidden"]] }A lambda that is executed when the authorization fails.


To determine the identity of the user, the middleware can be configured to use a JWT token or a claim using the identity_mapping config.

# configure the middleware to use a JWT token form the `my-auth-header` header.
config.identity_mapping = {
type: :jwt,
from: "my-auth-header",
# configure the middleware to use a claim from the JWT token.
# This will decode the JWT token and extract the `sub` field from payload.
config.identity_mapping = {
type: :sub,
from: :sub,

The whole identity resolution can be overwritten by providing a custom function.

# config/initializers/aserto.rb

# needs to return a hash with the identity having `type` and `identity` keys.
# supported types: `:jwt, :sub, :none`
Aserto.with_identity_mapper do |request|
type: :sub,
identity: "my custom identity",

URL path to policy mapping

By default, when computing the policy path, the middleware:

  • converts all slashes to dots
  • converts any character that is not alpha, digit, dot or underscore to underscore
  • converts uppercase characters in the URL path to lowercases

This behavior can be overwritten by providing a custom function:

# config/initializers/aserto.rb

# must return a String
Aserto.with_policy_path_mapper do |policy_root, request|
method = request.request_method
path = request.path_info

"custom: #{policy_root}.#{method}.#{path}"


A resource can be any structured data that the authorization policy uses to evaluate decisions. By default, middleware do not include a resource in authorization calls.

This behavior can be overwritten by providing a custom function:

# config/initializers/aserto.rb

# must return a Hash
Aserto.with_resource_mapper do |request|
{ resource: request.path_info }

Disable authorization for specific paths

The middleware exposes a disable_for configuration option that accepts an array of hashes with the following keys:

  • path - the path to disable authorization for
  • actions - an array of actions to disable authorization for


You can find the paths and actions using bundle exec rails routes

bundle exec rails routes

Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action

api_v1_users GET /api/users(.:format) api/v1/users#index {:format=>:json}
POST /api/users(.:format) api/v1/users#create {:format=>:json}
api_v1_user GET /api/users/:id(.:format) api/v1/users#show {:format=>:json}
# disables get user by id
config.disabled_for = [
path: '/api/users/:id'
actions: [:GET]



# config/initializers/aserto.rb

Rails.application.config.middleware.use Aserto::Authorization do |config|
config.enabled = true
config.policy_id = "my-policy-id"
config.tenant_id = "my-tenant-id"
config.authorizer_api_key = Rails.application.credentials.aserto[:authorizer_api_key]
config.policy_root = "peoplefinder"
config.service_url = ""
config.decision = "allowed"
config.logger = Rails.logger
config.identity_mapping = {
type: :sub,
from: :sub
config.disabled_for = [
path: "/api/users",
actions: %i[GET POST]
path: "/api/authentication",
actions: %i[POST]
config.on_unauthorized = lambda do |env|
puts env
return [403, {}, ["Forbidden"]]


# server.rb

# aserto middleware
use Aserto::Authorization do |config|
config.enabled = true
config.policy_id = "my-policy-id"
config.tenant_id = "my-tenant-id"
config.authorizer_api_key = ENV['authorizer_api_key']
config.policy_root = "peoplefinder"
config.service_url = ""
config.decision = "allowed"
config.disabled_for = [
path: "/api/users/:id",
actions: %i[GET]
path: "/",
actions: %i[GET]
