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Deploy Local Directory and Console to Kubernetes

Helm Chart

Aserto provides an official helm chart to deploy an authorizer, directory, and a web console to your kubernetes cluster. For testing purposes you can start up a local kubernetes cluster using minikube, or deploy to a remote cluster.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm’s documentation to get started.

Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add aserto

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo aserto to see the charts.

To install the self-hosted chart:

helm install my-aserto aserto/self-hosted

To uninstall the chart:

helm delete my-aserto

Connect to the Console

For testing purposes you can access the self-hosted console by forwarding a port to the console-proxy pod. Use this command to retrieve the pod name:

CONSOLE_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

Then start port forwarding to the server with:

kubectl --namespace default port-forward $CONSOLE_POD_NAME 8080:8080

For production installations you can install your own kubernetes ingress routes to direct traffic to the console, authorizer, and directory services.

Using your own database and policy

The helm chart deploys a local postgres deployment which is used by the directory by default. This local database does not persist after the chart is uninstalled. To use your own external database server you can override the default chart configuration via a values.yaml file.

The policy used by the bundled authorizer deployment can also be overridden via values.yaml.

For a full list of supported values see (

Create a values.yaml in a local folder. Replace these values with your own.

policyName: policy-todo
policyTag: 2

localServerEnabled: false
postgresUser: postgres
postgresPassword: directory
database: directory

Apply your values file with the -f flag when installing the chart:

helm install my-aserto aserto/self-hosted  -f values.yaml

When using your own database ensure that the database and database user you choose are already created, and that your kubernetes cluster has connectivity to the database server.