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A kind of relation that can exist between subjects and resources.

type RelationType {
objectType: ObjectType!
name: String!
displayName: String!
ordinal: Int!
status: [Flag!]!
unions: [RelationType!]!
hash: Hash!
lifecycle: Lifecycle!
first: Int!
after: Cursor
): PermissionConnection!


RelationType.objectType ● ObjectType! non-null object object-types

The type of object that can be part of the relation. ● String! non-null scalar common

Unique name for the relation type. Unique for the object type.

RelationType.displayName ● String! non-null scalar common

Display name for the relation type.

RelationType.ordinal ● Int! non-null scalar common

Sort order of the relation type.

RelationType.status ● [Flag!]! non-null enum common

A set of flags that describe the status of the object type.

RelationType.unions ● [RelationType!]! non-null object relation-types

A list of relation types that are supertypes of this relation type.

This relation type receives all permissions defined in the supertypes. Unioned relation types must be defined with the same object type.

RelationType.hash ● Hash! non-null scalar common

A hash value of relation type's fields.

RelationType.lifecycle ● Lifecycle! non-null object common

Metadata about the relation type's lifecycle.

RelationType.permissions ● PermissionConnection! non-null object permissions

The permissions that the relation grants to subjects.

RelationType.permissions.first ● Int! non-null scalar common
RelationType.permissions.after ● Cursor scalar common

Returned by

relationType query

Member of

Relation object ● RelationType object ● RelationTypeConnection object ● RelationTypePermission object ● SetRelationTypePermissionResult object ● SetRelationTypeResult object