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Sending a command via the REST API

Required information

There are three pieces of information that are required to send a command to an Edge Authorizer via the REST API:

  1. The Edge Authorizer's instance ID
  2. The Tenant ID for the account/organization
  3. The Discovery API key for the tenant

See the script below for a way to obtain the Instance ID for an Aserto Tenant and Edge Authorizer connection, and send a command to that instance.

Instance ID

The instance ID shows up in the Authorizers tab:

control plane instance ID

Tenant ID

For a personal account, the tenant ID can be obtained from the Account Settings page. For an organization, the tenant ID can be obtained from the Manage Organization page.

Discovery API key

The Discovery API key can be obtained from the Connections tab:

discovery api key

Available commands

Two commands are available to send to connected Edge Authorizers:

  • Sync Policy Instance: this short-circuits the OPA Discovery timer and forces an immediate download of a policy image.
  • Sync Edge Directory: this short-circuits the Directory timer and forces an immediate sync of any new manifest or data in the Central Directory.

Both of these commands can be invoked by sending the following REST calls to the relay endpoint.

Issue a Discovery (Policy Download) API call

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'aserto-tenant-id: <Aserto-Tenant-ID>' \
-H 'Authorization: basic <Discovery-API-key> \
-d '{"id":"<Instance-ID>","command":{"discovery":{}}}'

A successful response looks like this:

"result": {}

Issue a Directory Sync API call

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'aserto-tenant-id: <Aserto-Tenant-ID>' \
-H 'Authorization: basic <Discovery-API-key> \
-d '{"id":"<Instance-ID>","command":{"sync_edge_directory":{}}}'

A successful response looks like this:

"result": {}

Scripting commands

The following script obtains the Instance ID from the Edge Authorizer Connection ID, Aserto Tenant ID, and Discovery API key. It then sends a sync_edge_directory command to the control plane, triggering an Edge Directory sync:


INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -s '' \
-H 'aserto-tenant-id: '${ASERTO_TENANT_ID} \
-H 'authorization: basic '${ASERTO_DISCOVER_KEY} \
-H 'content-type: application/json' | jq -r '.result[] | select (.info.connection_id == '\"$CONNECTION_ID\"' ) .id')


curl -X POST '' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'aserto-tenant-id: '${ASERTO_TENANT_ID} \
-H 'authorization: basic '${ASERTO_DISCOVER_KEY} \
--data-raw '{"id":'\"$INSTANCE_ID\"',"command":{"sync_edge_directory":{}}}'