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Auth0 plugin


Usage: ds-load-auth0 <command>

auth0 directory loader

version version information
fetch fetch auth0 data
transform transform auth0 data
export-transform export default transform template
exec fetch and transform auth0 data
verify verify fetcher configuration and credentials

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
-c, --config=CONFIG-FLAG Configuration file path
-v, --verbosity=INT Use to increase output verbosity.

Run "ds-load-auth0 <command> --help" for more information on a command.


The Auth0 plugin supports the following arguments:

  -d, --domain=STRING             auth0 domain ($AUTH0_DOMAIN)
-i, --client-id=STRING auth0 client id ($AUTH0_CLIENT_ID)
-s, --client-secret=STRING auth0 client secret ($AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET)
--connection-name=STRING auth0 connection name ($AUTH0_CONNECTION_NAME)
--user-pid=STRING auth0 user PID of the user you want to read ($AUTH0_USER_PID)
--user-email=STRING auth0 user email of the user you want to read ($AUTH0_USER_EMAIL)
--[no-]roles include roles ($AUTH0_ROLES)
--[no-]rate-limit enable http client rate limiter


The Auth0 plugin can retrieve both users and roles, and transform these into directory user objects, identity objects, roles, and relationships between these.

To export the default transform, use:

ds-load auth0 export-transform

You can use this as the basis for your own transform, which can be tweaked for a different mapping between Auth0 and directory objects and relations.

To learn about the transformation language, refer to the transform docs.