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Input for the setObjectType mutation. This input type is used to create or modify an object type.

All fields are required except for id. If an object type with the specified name already exists, it is updated. If no object type with the specified name exists, a new object type is created.

The only time id is required is to change the name of an existing object type. In that case, id is used to identify the object type and name is the new name.

input SetObjectTypeInput {
name: String!
displayName: String
isSubject: Boolean
ordinal: Int
status: [Flag!]
hash: Hash

Fields ● String! non-null scalar common

Name of the object type. Must be unique among all object types in the directory.

SetObjectTypeInput.displayName ● String scalar common

Friendly display name of the object type. This is how the object type appears in the Aserto console.

SetObjectTypeInput.isSubject ● Boolean scalar common

Whether or not the object type represents a subject (user, group, etc.).

SetObjectTypeInput.ordinal ● Int scalar common

Sort order of the object type. Lower ordinals appear first when enumerating object types.

SetObjectTypeInput.status ● [Flag!] list enum common

A set of modifier flags that can be applied to the object type. It should be left empty ([]) in most cases.

SetObjectTypeInput.hash ● Hash scalar common

Optional value of the hash value previously read from the directory.

If a hash value is specified and the object type being mutated already exists, the update will be rejected unless the hash value matches the existing object type's hash value. This can be used to ensure that the object type being mutated has not been modified since it was read from the directory.

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setObjectType mutation