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A comparison predicate for filtering object types.

All fields are optional. Only object types that match all given fields are included.

input ObjectTypesWhere {
isSubject: Boolean
name: StringWhere
displayName: StringWhere
ordinal: IntWhere
status: FlagsWhere


ObjectTypesWhere.isSubject ● Boolean scalar common

If true, only include subject types. If false, only include non-subject types. ● StringWhere input common

Filter types by name.

ObjectTypesWhere.displayName ● StringWhere input common

Filter types by display name.

ObjectTypesWhere.ordinal ● IntWhere input common

Filter types by sort order.

ObjectTypesWhere.status ● FlagsWhere input common

Filter types by their status flags.

Member of

ObjectsWhere input ● objectTypes query ● RelationTypesWhere input