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The Authorizer makes three APIs available to the calling application for the purpose of interacting with the Policies modules that are loaded in the Authorizer:

  • policies
  • policies/{id}

Each of these APIs is a GET style API.


GET .../api/v2/policies?field_mask=<field1>,<field2>

This will return a list of all the policies loaded in the Authorizer runtime.


field_mask=<field1>,<field2>: the set of fields to return (defaults to ALL if unspecified)

Available fields:

  • id: the id of the policy module (which can be passed into the policies/{id} API)
  • raw: the raw text of the Rego module
  • package_path: the path of the package
  • ast: the parsed abstract syntax tree of the package


The results contain all the policy modules, with the specified fields. If no field_mask fields are specified, all fields are returned.

"result": [
"id": "todo/tmp/opa/oci/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.PUT.todos.__id.rego",
"raw": "package todoApp.PUT.todos.__id\n\nimport\nimport input.resource\nimport input.user\n\ndefault allowed = false\n\nallowed {\n\[_] == \"editor\"\n\tuser.key == resource.ownerID\n}\n\nallowed {\n\[_] == \"evil_genius\"\n}\n",
"package_path": "data.todoApp.PUT.todos.__id",
"ast": {


GET .../api/v2/policies/{id}?field_mask=<field1>,<field2>

This will return the details for a particular policy module identified by {id}, which can be obtained from the /api/v2/policies call.


field_mask=<field1>,<field2>: the set of fields to return (defaults to ALL if unspecified)

The fields are the same as the ones for the /api/v2/policies call.


"result": {
"id": "todo/tmp/opa/oci/github/workspace/content/src/policies/todoApp.PUT.todos.__id.rego",
"raw": "package todoApp.PUT.todos.__id\n\nimport\nimport input.resource\nimport input.user\n\ndefault allowed = false\n\nallowed {\n\[_] == \"editor\"\n\tuser.key == resource.ownerID\n}\n\nallowed {\n\[_] == \"evil_genius\"\n}\n",
"package_path": "data.todoApp.PUT.todos.__id",
"ast": {