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Deprecated v1 Directory APIs


These APIs have been deprecated and replaced by the Directory v2 graphQL APIs.

The Authorizer makes two APIs available to the calling application for the purpose of interacting with the Edge Directory Service:

  • dir/users
  • dir/users/{id}

Each of these APIs is a GET style API.


GET .../api/v1/dir/users?params

This will return a list of all users in the system.


  • page.size=<number>: the number of results to return in a page
  • page.token=<token>: a token to use as the beginning of the next page (obtained from a previous call)
  • fields.mask=<field1>,<field2>: the set of fields to return (defaults to ALL if unspecified)


"page": {
"nextToken": "string",
"resultSize": 0,
"totalSize": 0
"results": [
{ ... user info },


GET .../api/v1/dir/users/{id}?params

This will return the details of a user entry in the Edge Directory Service, by its ID.


  • fields.mask=<field1>,<field2>: the set of fields to return (defaults to ALL if unspecified)


"result": {
"displayName": "string",
"email": "string",
"enabled": true,
"id": "string",
"identities": {
"additionalProp3": {
"provider": "string",
"verified": true
"metadata": {
"createdAt": "2021-05-22T02:23:06.199Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-05-22T02:23:06.199Z"
"picture": "string",